Sunday, October 26, 2008

OK..I have to RANT!!

This is a rant!! Had a yard Sale yesterday ...trying to reduce down clutter and raise some much needed cash. First of all it was to be a two day event. Of course it rained all day Friday... Saturday started off with my DH letting me sleep in...not a bad thing but this was not the day I needed to sleep till 6am! Hustled about and got things set up..tent and all. Daughter, son in law and two of the grandbabies came and set up as well. Then the wind picked up....blew so bad it blew over the tent....along with my table of breakables! Lost about 10 things due to breakage! Not to mention it was a slow yard sale over all. Less than $80 . Gave my take of about $7 to the middle grandaughter for her school fund raiser. (She is her class princess and the princesses have to raise $$ for the school...some "honor" eh?)) Had fun over all with the family but...
THEN I get online at Bonanzle and find out one of my shipments got damaged. Luckly the customer is a seller and understood, but still I refunded her her money and lost out there too!
Boy many more weekends like this and I'll go broke for sure!
Lessons Learned:
1. DONT set up a tent in the slightest me that wind is only going to blow harder...
2. DON'T wish for you kid or grandkid to be super popular at school!...She will only become class princess and have to raise cash for the school with hopes of being high fund raiser and becoming the Grade Princess! (dont EVEN want to know what THAT means!)
3. MOST IMPORTANT ...IF you sell online or ship anything anywhere...GET INSURANCE!!!
I got away from insurance since eBay....On eBay I always offer it as an option and havent thought about it...
From here on out...ALL of my items WILL be insured!! Lesson learned!!

Now won't yoou come on over and check out what I have left??? Could use the good break! LOL ....Later......Renagade htpp://

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry your sale did not go as well as you would have liked it to. I know the last two garage sales I have had barely anyone even came.