Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What Is Your MOST Important Asset Online?

Your Name. The only thing you truly have at the end of your day as an online seller, blogger, is your name. How you present yourself online is embedded deep into the web sphere forever. So one needs to be careful as far as where they go, what they post so people get the right impression about you, your site and your items.
There are several people I have found online that truly have it going on as far as making sure their name equals quality and respect.

First I would like to share is Henrietta of Redinkdiary and Felicitations . She has always been fair and objective in her writings and offers great tips for online sellers. And at her booth on Bonanzle Felicitations she is known for super customer service.

Trent T Trent has a wonderful reputation online. He is quick to respond to any inquiries and has been nothing but helpful to me as well as everyone else who has had contact with him. Check out his website http://www.storepromoter.info/ and you will see what I am talking about.

John Lawson. Anyone who has followed colderICE KNOWS that John truly got it going on! Highly respected pod caster that never fails to be Spot on.

Dave White. eBayandbeyond show online is a topnotch show that everyone who sells online needs to tune into. Top guests, lively conversation add up to a great show!

Randy Smythe. Known for his blog My Blog Utopia. Randy has been able to maintain a great following, even since was tapped for the prestigious position of Merchant Evangelist with Buy.com. That is due to his ability to maintain his objectivity.

Pheadra Attheboutique She is one heck of and online force. She takes pride in her work, always professional and soo busy! Making her own products, marketing her products, co hosting on Brainstorming Bonanzle, blogging and never fails to be available for her clients.

Auctionwally What can I say about this guy! Google his name and you will find pages and within the pages you will find comments from people that can testify to the reputation of Walt. Host of Auctionwally show and Brainstorming Bonanzle two great shows that is adding more followers everyday!

Bill Harding And Mark Dorsey. I put the you of them together because of their great join effort at Bonanzle.com. No matter what happens, who slams the site, they both have always handled comments and questions with dignity, respect, and cold hard facts, presented in a manner that is friendly and open.

Now I COULD go into what NOT to do, but I found a great article on Redinkdiary that says it so well, I encourage you to read it to see what I mean. But there is one point I DO want to make is that everything you type is for all to see. And no matter what be respectful! Even if you disagree with some article, that is someones opinion and they are entitled to it. Now if they got the facts wrong, don't hesitate to set the record straight, but you can do it in a respectful way and that will only boost your names standing in the online world.


As a footnote...I have to Thank Auctionwally and Pheadra for the awesome opportunity to help me add value to my name by having me on Episode 14 of Brainstorming Bonanzle. It was directly due to their skillful interviewing and friendliest of the format, did the interview come out as well as it did!


Henrietta said...

You have certainly made a list of the finest eCommerce personalities and I am not at all sure I belong up there with them, but I do thank you for the compliment!

I would like to add two more if I may, ladies first. Marlene Gavens the Savvy Seller who has a show called Tips From the Top which is very educational.
Secondly a gentleman who has been extremely generous with sharing his knowledge without ever making me feel an idiot.

Scott Pooler who writes Trading Assistant Journal

Anonymous said...

Hi Renegade! I have read your comments in all sorts of different places, but one thing is the same, you always act with dignity. I admired you so much, I listened to Auctionwally's interview with you just to get to know you. You won't often see me comment anywhere, because I am very aware that what is said online is forever, and I don't want to say something I shouldn't or something that could be misunderstood. I thought your article here was good, and I hope to run into you again soon.
With appreciation for all you do,
pishposh59 (Shelly)

Unknown said...

Thank you all for the comments.

And special thanks to Henrietta....I can't believe I did leave out two of the most respected names in eccomerce! The Savvy Seller and Scott Pooler!
My bad!

Trent_T said...

Thank you, Susan for including me in your super list. I consider it an honor to be included.


Anonymous said...

Susan -
I fully agree with you that our online words & actions remain in cyberspace forever.

Keeping that in mind is critical each time we leave a footprint online as it's so easy to post or respond in the emotional heat of the moment.

Thank you Henrietta for adding me to the group that Susan mentioned. Everyone she cited is intelligent, passionate, giving and does so with dignity. (Scott included)!

Susan - I enjoyed listening to you on Phaedra & Auctionwally's podcast. Thank you for sharing your experiences and for this blog post which is always a good reminder.

Cape Ann Auction said...

Susan, I can't tell you how delighted that Phaedra and I were to have you on the show.

We've gotten nothing but great comments about your appearance, and folks stated that they learned a lot and enjoyed it immensely.

Thanks again!

I've hit the Stumble button a few times here and will be back.

Take care,