To Follow or Not to Follow
call it what you want - Follow (Twitter
- I know Them through other websites
- I know them personally
- I want/need more friends ( Followers etc) and need them to follow back
- I need for them to buy - promote - or otherwise help me succeed
- They are Famous
- I like what they say and what to hear more
For Example - I am all about music - I sell music - I promote musicians - I have a DJ and Karaoke Service. If you follow me, expect alot of music related stuff and fully expect me to tell you what is up with the musicians I promote. Know that , among other things, I am going to chat about music. Now, I will chat about tons of other things, and offer up anything I think my friends and followers will like, and I will help them promote up their things too, but my main focus is music. So the choice is yours, like music, love music - follow. I will friend you back.
Now, I am not saying don't friend your family, real world friends etc - By all means do. They should know you well enough to know what you are like, and still like you anyway. But for expanding your reach in promoting yourself, or your business, reach out to those that you are actually interested in.
In Social Media, often it is not what you carry to the table, but what it is you walk away with.
Where things get interesting are the mutual interests away from the main feature. I'm to classic movies as you are to music, but we've always had great social media chats about ecommerce and blogging.
My favorite follows are definitely those pumping out information, either from their own space or through selective RTs and promotion of others.
Enjoyed the post, Cliff
I am the poster child for how not to do social media. Anyone that wants an instant lesson in how not to do it should follow me.
I have never gotten this social media thing right. I just roll along brainless and happy enjoying myself. I have no plan, I have never increased my business by a dime through its use. Some day I should probably try to do it right but since I'm basically lazy that probably ain't gonna happen.
Yes Cliff! We have had some awesome chats about things ... and the fave follows reasons you give is one of the points I was trying to make
Woofers - you are a poster kitty for Social media! You rock social media from the other angle - wit - charm - humor ,,,through which you have gained a solid group of friends wanting to know what you do!
There really is no 'wrong' way to socialize - if you are being yourself!
I'm glad I am your friend!
Glad I'm your friend!
An inspiring and wonderful article with new ideas.Keep it up.
Facebook for business
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